First customer in 2.5 years

Staff Blog

We were finally able to reopen our doors after a two-and-a-half year absence, having ceased to receive visitors from abroad after March 2020.

Since the deregulation of entry into Japan is progressing, it seems that the number of visitors to Japan is gradually increasing.

Compared to other countries, Japan still has more stringent regulations, but I hope that the situation will soon return to the pre-Corona state.

To achieve this, it is necessary for each and every Japanese citizen to change his or her own mindset.

The public, who were encouraged by newspapers and TV more than necessary and blindly believed them, are responsible for the prolonged turmoil.

Even in the pouring rain, guests were able to enjoy Nachi to the fullest.

This time, a registered guide of the Wakayama Local Guide Association guided the guests, and she reported that she was able to guide them safely and happily.

I was so happy about this time that I went to thank the guests in person.

I hope that the situation will be a little better next year.